What is BounceBack® For Youth?
We all feel sad sometimes. But when feeling low, stressed out, worried, depressed, irritable, angry – or even nothing at all – gets to be too much, remember that you have the power to change how you feel.
BounceBack® For Youth you can design your own mood-living program! Select workbooks and activities to create your own self-help journey, or work with a trained coach over the phone. It’s like building your very own BounceBack® toolkit.
Choose how and when you'd like to access the program. Your journey, your pace.
BounceBack® For Youth Coaching
A trained BounceBack® For Youth coach will help you learn skills to improve your mental health in up to six telephone sessions over three to six months. Your coach will help keep you on track and offer support as you work through the program materials. You design your own program by selecting materials from 20 different modules.
How The Program Has Helped Others

Check Out The Materials
Choose from nine different booklets to use with the online and coaching platforms. Each Booklet comes with supportive worksheets that are designed to help you reflect and apply the materials to your daily life. View the complete list of titles and short descriptions here.

Who We Are
The BounceBack® team includes administrative staff and coaches who offer telephone support in both official languages
The coaches come from various backgrounds, including psychology, social work, and people with lived experience. All coaches receive extensive training from the clinical psychologist in delivering the BounceBack® program. They also receive ongoing support from clinical psychologists and are regularly monitored once their formal training is complete. In addition, all team members receive training in other areas, including Mental Health First Aid, cultural and LGBTQ+ competency, and trauma-informed care.