Care Providers
Are your clients feeling low, stressed, or anxious?
BounceBack® is a free, evidence-based cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) program designed to assist service providers in providing support to adults and youth 13+ who need help managing low mood, mild to moderate depression and anxiety, stress or worry.
It's free, there is no wait period, and no travel is required.
Program Eligibility
- 13 years of age or older and living in Canada
- Already connected to a primary care provider (physician or nurse) or psychiatrist
- Mild to moderate depression, with or without anxiety
- Not a risk of harming self or others
- Have not had a manic episode or psychosis in the last six months
- Capable of engaging with and concentrating on materials
- Not significantly using drugs or alcohol to the extent that it would impact engagement in CBT treatment
Who Can Refer to Bounce Back® Coaching?
BounceBack® works in partnership with the service providers to ensure that participants are supported by a trained professional. Service providers can make two types of referrals.
Primary Referrals
Holds responsibility for the individual during their participation in BounceBack®. We currently accept primary referrals from:
- Physicians
- Nurse Practitioners
- Psychiatrists
- Secondary School Counsellors (except over summer break)
Secondary Referrals: Pre-approval Required
BounceBack® Coaching
A trained BounceBack® coach will help participants learn skills to improve their mental health in up to six telephone sessions over three to six months. The coach is there to help motivate and support the individuals as they work through a series of CBT workbooks that are personalized to their needs.
While BounceBack® coaches work with participants on their individual workbooks, they remain primarily under your care. The coaches will inform you if your clients have been accepted into the program and will provide you with information on their progress. They will also notify you if your clients are identified as at risk of suicide during any of the route risk assessments.
Because coaches are not clinicians, they don’t provide counselling. Coaches are extensively trained by clinical psychologists in the delivery of the BounceBack® program. They also provide ongoing support from the clinical psychologists, who are responsible for making the clinical program. They also receive ongoing support from the clinical psychologists, who are responsible for making clinical decisions around eligibility and next steps at any time a participant discloses they are at risk of suicide.
Coaching and workbooks are available in both official languages.
Check Out The Materials
The workbooks are adaptable and flexible in order to meet individual needs. Adults can choose from over 20 workbook title in either long-form or short-form versions. Our youth program includes nine workbooks that use youth-friendly scenarios and graphics. View the complete list of titles and short descriptions here for adults and here for youth.